Monday, May 9, 2011

Lots to report! GRANDMA addition

Ok, last blog to round out our crazy week last week. Note to self -- don't ever try to watch 5 kids, close on a house, and move in a Grandma into a retirement home in the same week!!

Grandma is around 94 years old. She lived in GA for the first 90 years of her life, and then moved out to Idaho to live with her daughter Ann in 2007. However, after Ann's husband got back cancer and had to have surgery, Ann had to put Grandma into a retirement home up there. Ann still visited several times a week, so the arrangement worked out. However, Grandma often complained about being cold and being so far away from her grandchildren (most of whom are here in the Atlanta area). She just wanted to come home.

Well, Ann and Jason's dad Frank found a nice home for her right here in Lawrenceville -- very close to a lot of us. She moved down over Easter weekend - Frank came down to settle her in. But all of her stuff was being boxed up in Idaho and shipped down. It was supposed to arrive over the weekend, but it came early and arrived on Wednesday, May 4th! So, in the middle of keeping the 5 kids and dealing with the wire transfer for our closing, Jason and I get a call from Frank. Someone needed to help Grandma unpack boxes. She was literally trying to do it herself, and everyone was worried she was going to hurt herself pulling down boxes! In case I didn't mention it, Grandma probably weighs 80 lbs soaking wet!

I rushed over there and spent Wednesday evening getting out her essentials and trying to organize a few things. Jason went to Heather's house to fix dinner for the kids. Then Saturday morning, Jason and I both went over there and did a few more things to help Grandma. We still have at least one more round of going over there to help her hang some pictures and move some stuff out of there and to our basement so she has some more room, but her room looks a lot better now! And we ate some meals with her there in the dining room and got to know some of the people that worked there and others that lived there. So, it was good.

I'm glad that Grandma is home and we can see her more. Definitely pray that she settles in quickly and makes friends there at the home. Everyone seems really nice! Here is a pictures of Frank and Grandma at our wedding. :-)

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